
10 Jul 2024

Navigating Amazon Seller Options in India: Quick Guide for Small and Medium D2C Sellers

Choosing the right Amazon fulfillment option is crucial for your D2C business. Here’s a quick guide to help you understand EasyShip, Fulfillment by Amazon (FBA), and Multi-Channel Fulfillment (MCF), along with key insights and considerations.


Definition: Store products at your location; Amazon handles pick-up, packing, and delivery.


  • Control over inventory and packaging: You have direct control over how your products are stored and packed.
  • Cost-effective: Lower fees compared to other options, making it budget-friendly.
  • Flexible for multiple platforms: Suitable for orders from Amazon and other platforms.


  • Storage requirements: Requires adequate storage space at your own facility.
  • Increased workload: More manual work for packing and managing inventory.
  • Scaling challenges: Handling a larger volume of orders can be difficult.

Key Considerations:

  • Ensure you have sufficient storage space.
  • Develop efficient packing and shipping processes.
  • Regularly evaluate cost savings versus the workload.

Learn More: Amazon EasyShip

Fulfillment by Amazon (FBA)

Definition: Send products to Amazon’s warehouses; Amazon handles storage, packing, shipping, and customer service.


  • Access to Prime customers: Products are eligible for Prime, increasing sales potential.
  • Reduced workload: Amazon handles most logistics, reducing your workload.
  • Scalable operations: Easily scale your business with Amazon’s infrastructure.


  • Higher fees: Significant costs can impact profit margins.
  • Limited control: Less direct control over inventory once it’s in Amazon’s warehouses.
  • Storage fees: Potential for long-term storage fees if products don’t sell quickly.

Key Considerations:

  • Monitor and manage fees closely.
  • Ensure fast product turnover to avoid additional storage costs.
  • Maintain strict quality checks before sending products to Amazon.

Learn More: Amazon FBA

Multi-Channel Fulfillment (MCF)

Definition: Use Amazon’s logistics network for orders from various platforms, not just Amazon.


  • Centralized fulfillment: Manage logistics for multiple sales channels from one place.
  • Reliable and fast shipping: Leverage Amazon’s efficient shipping network.
  • Improved customer satisfaction: Faster delivery times can enhance customer experience.


  • Branding issues: Amazon-branded packaging may not align with your brand.
  • High fees: Especially for orders from non-Amazon platforms.
  • Less control over stock: Similar to FBA, less direct control over inventory.

Key Considerations:

  • Maintain brand identity despite Amazon’s packaging.
  • Assess the cost-effectiveness of using Amazon’s logistics for non-Amazon orders.
  • Track inventory levels closely to avoid stockouts.

Learn More: Amazon MCF

Decision-Making Flowchart

Making the Right Choice

  1. What matters most to you?
    • Control over your products: Choose EasyShip if you want to maintain control over inventory and packaging.
    • Reducing your workload: Choose FBA if you want Amazon to handle most logistics.
    • Selling on multiple platforms: Choose MCF for centralized management of orders from various sales channels.
  2. Consider Your Business Growth:
    • If you expect to grow quickly, FBA might be the best option for scalability.
    • If maintaining control is crucial, EasyShip could be more suitable initially.
  3. Evaluate Costs:
    • Compare fees and savings regularly for each option.
    • Factor in long-term costs like storage fees for FBA.
  4. Think About Customer Experience:
    • Faster shipping options can enhance customer satisfaction.
    • Branding consistency matters, especially with MCF.

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